Frequency and mortality of patients with rheumatologic disease affected by Covid-19 in the Adult Intensive Care Department of the Hospital de Clínicas
Introduction: COVID-19 arouse particular concern for people with autoimmune rheumatic diseases, due to the known higher susceptibility to infections in this group of patients.
Materials and methods: Descriptive observational and retrospective study, based on clinical records of patients admitted in respiratory unit at the Department Intensive Care Adult at Hospital de Clinicas (San Lorenzo, Paraguay) from August 2020 to march 2022.
Results: 311 patients were admitted with COVID-19 to the intensive care unit. Eight of these patients with a rheumatic disease diagnose (2.5%). The majority with Systemic Erythema- tous Lupus (38.5%), all of them previously treated with corticoids, one patient with Rheu- matoid Arthritis also receiving Methrotrexate. The average age was 43 years, most of these patients were female (62.5%). These patients were admitted to the hospital on their eighth day of COVID-19 illness. All of them with comorbidity: hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity (37.5% each). The predominant symptoms were fever (62%) and dyspnea (50%). APACHE II scores at admission were on average 15.5 and the SOFA scores on average were 5. All of these patients recieved corticosteroids for COVID-19 and 50% of them recieved Remdesivir. Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation and shock requiring vasopressors were seen in an equal amount of patients (62.5%). Infections were a frequent complication in these patients as sepsis was diagnosed in 87.5%. The 50% of the patients died as a result of multi-organ failure.
Conclusions: Low percentage of admission to our intensive care unit for rheumatological patients with COVID-19, probably due to strict adherence to hygiene and confinement measures, and regular medical control. Female predominance. Severe patients with a high severity score at admission. High percentage of requiring mechanical respiratory assistance and vasopressors. High mortality related to the serious condition at admission of these patients.
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